Thank you to DART for sponsoring this post, all opinions listed are my own.
Since the day I moved to Dallas in 2012 I've been a HUGE fan of taking the DART anywhere and everywhere. Back then, I lived in a Carrollton apartment right on the Green Line. I could easily hop on the Green Line and be at Victory Station sometimes faster than I could drive. The fare to get Downtown was so inexpensive and I didn't have to worry about having a couple beers at a Mavs or Stars ballgame.
I then moved to Deep Ellum a year later, but still worked in Farmer's Branch. I took the DART train - again, Green Line, all the way from Deep Ellum to Farmer's Branch several times per week. It saved SO MUCH on gas and it was wildly convenient because I could work on my blog on the train.
Fast forward to today, I now live in Oak Cliff and work Downtown. Again, the DART is still a fantastic asset for my commute. My point is, no matter where you are in Dallas you can AND SHOULD take the DART. A lot of major cities aren't as lucky as we are. Trust me, prior to living in Dallas I lived in cities with terrible public transportation.

The other reason you should LOVE the DART is because they listen to rider feedback. This past August, they reworked nearly HALF of their routes to get you to your destination faster. This change leads to improved connections and more on-time arrivals. They also extended hours and increased frequency. 100% of the buses on DARTzoom either run on electric or natural gas.
If you're concerned with safety let me tell you right now that they've also implemented major safety additions such as cameras on board, plus additional shelters and enhanced lighting while you wait.
Let's talk about a DART route I think everyone will want to take. DARTzoom express bus route 206. The route runs through Market Center Station, into thee heart of Uptown Dallas, and then Akard Station in Downtown Dallas.

Route 206 runs right through the heart of Uptown and Downtown. Some of my favorite restaurants are on this route, just a mere STEPS from the pickup and drop-off spots on this great route.
Pearl&McKinney Stop

1. S H A K E S H A C K
2. M O X I E S
3. H O T E L C R E S C E N T C O U R T
See full blog post HERE on all of their amazing offerings including Starbucks, Beau Nash and Nobu.
4. A S C E N S I O N C O F F E E
They also serve wine and beer and have an amazing happy hour with all bottles of wine half off! If you're on your laptop and it's just you dining, no sweat - take the bottle of wine with you. They'll cork it for ya!
5. S I X T Y V I N E S
Pictured above. Another fantastic happy hour, perfect for jumping off the DARTzoom right after a great day at work!
6. B O W E N H O U S E
Get the fried brie. Plus they offer a variety of cocktails for just 5 bucks during happy hour, which extends until 7pm!

7. L A S P A L M A S
8. K L Y D E W A R R E N P A R K
Plus add the restaurant in the park, Savor, to your list too
9. T H E C L O V E R C L U B

10. T R U L U C K S
If you're looking for something a little fancier after a great day at work!
:: AKARD Stop ::

11. C O M M I S A R Y
12. T H E F R E N C H R O O M B A R
Get "Le Bruger" and a Budweiser

13. C I T Y H A L L B I S T R O
14. O T T O ' S C O F F E E

15. M I D N I G H T R A M B L E R
16. W I L D S A L S A

17. A M E R I C A N O
18. W O O L W O R T H
19. P E T R O B A R A N D B I S T R O
Located in the Cambria hotel. Feels like stepping back in time for a cocktail with a very vintage twist

20. S C O U T I N T H E S T A T L E R
Get your bowling skills ready because they've got a few lanes, plus ping pong and pool tables. Great place to have an ice cold beer and watch football after work.
Even better, want to win prizes just for riding the DART?
1. Ride any DART bus route
2. Snap a photo on the bus route
3. Post your photo on facebook, instagram or twitter
4. Use the tag #DARTzoom
Winners will be chosen at random, full details can be found HERE!